“Last week’s article entitled “A 33-acre wetland project at FDR Park will break ground soon” by Ximena Conde missed a crucial part of the plan to redevelop the Park. That is, an astounding 84 acres of the wetlands will be irreversibly destroyed for the construction of 36 total sports fields and courts. This plan was constructed largely without engagement from the public. As a resident of South Philly, the FDR Park Meadows are beloved to me. I have crushed mugwort between my fingers on a foraging expedition, been happily lost in the dense bracken while riding my bicycle, and watched planes from the long strip of meadow on the southern end, overtaken by wildflowers. If the wetlands are turned into Astroturf-- a far cry from conservation-- it will be a great loss for many Philadelphians for whom this special place has been a refuge.”

- Ross Perfetti / Park user

